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A greener NHS

A new survey conducted by conservation charity the Woodland Trust has revealed 96% of GPs questioned want the government to take action to combat health threats from climate change and extreme...


Day 1: Following the diabetes & weight loss successes of GLP-1 agonists such as...

Use of genomic medicine to uncover adverse effects related to direct oral anticoagulants

Cardiac arrhythmias represent a significant burden, affecting morbidity and mortality (Gheorghe-Andrei et al, 2018). Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia, and prevalence not only...


The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has announced its advice to government for the Covid-19 vaccine programme this year.

Prescribing in patients with diabetes

This article, published in the New Zealand Journal of Primary Healthcare, sought to undertake a review of the literature about the impact of nurse prescribing on the delivery of healthcare services...

Evaluation of factors influencing antibiotic prescribing behaviour by independent nurse prescribers

To establish the factors that influence INPs' antibiotic prescribing decisions, and to compare the responses between practice settings with factors that influence medical prescribers' antibiotic...

The role of nutrition in bipolar disorder

Loots et al (2021) note that psychiatric disorders comprise 13% of the total global disease burden, with non-adherence to medication ranging from 63–74% in patients with schizophrenia and some 50% in...

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A free revalidation portfolio and CPD resource for nurses and midwives.

Editor's pick

A–Z of prescribing for children

There is a continuing need for pharmaceutical companies to manufacture age-appropriate medications for children. It is not just preferences for particular formulations that need to be considered, but...

Prescribing medications for Parkinson's disease

Parkinsonism is an umbrella term for conditions that present with symptoms typically seen in Parkinson's disease (which accounts for around 85% of cases of parkinsonism) (McFarland and Hess, 2017;...

Safety in prescribing

Welcome to this February issue of the Journal of Prescribing Practice.


Day 1: #oxybutynin is an anti-muscarinic drug approved in 1970s for incontinence & overactive bladder. #oxybutynin remains a 1st-line drug in UK. Side effects, especially dry mouth can lead to...

More from The Journal of Prescribing Practice


The NHS has pledged to expand the number of training places for nursing associates to 10 500 by 2031/32, as part of wider plans for expansion across the nursing professions..

Anticipatory prescribing

This article, published in the BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, is a systematic review of the evidence concerning the anticipatory prescribing of injectable medications in an adult population since...

Cockroaches and antibiotic resistance

‘Given the relative rarity of cockroaches in Ireland …. at least one avenue of future research will involve tracing the evolutionary paths taken by Pseudocitrobacter and related micro-organisms’.

A–Z of prescribing for children

Excretion is the final phase of the drug's journey as it passes through the body, and this elimination – usually by the kidneys – depends on glomerular filtration, tubular excretion and also tubular...

Management of stress urinary incontinence associated with perimenopause

Nisha, a 55-year-old female housekeeper, was referred for physiotherapy pelvic health review with a 2-year history of daily episodes of urinary incontinence when coughing, sneezing and when at work,...

Reducing the environmental impact of inhalers in primary care

The primary aim of this review was to establish how to implement sustainable inhaler changes without compromising patient care and disease control in the primary care setting. This includes a review...

Surface area-based dosing of caspofungin in children: Answers

What is the body surface area for this child? 9.98 kg × 77.7 cm = 775.446 kg/cm 775.446/3600 = 0.2154 0.2154 = 0.464   m 2 In practice it is also...

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Planning for winter pressures

Amid worsening winter pressures for the NHS, there are warnings from health professionals that industrial action ‘could see one of the most difficult starts to the year for health services across the...


Day 1: #vortioxetine is a unique antidepressant, discovered from exploring bis-aryl-sulfanyl amine compounds. It is categorised as a ‘serotonergic’ drug, acting both as an SSRI & as a serotonin...


Nearly four out of five (78%) family doctors across the UK are experiencing moral distress while caring for their patients.

Prescribing pre-exposure prophylaxis therapy

This article, published in the Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, sought to understand the knowledge, attitudes and prescribing habits of clinicians in primary care around the prescribing...

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