Guidance is available to support discussion and inform clinical decisions about the need or preference for contraception in transgender patients (International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF),...
As this project aimed to appraise and synthesise results of previous research, this review was conducted systematically, using primary research between 2013 and 2022, to evaluate the reliability and...
To understand the lived experiences of DPPs, and explore the enablers and barriers to this role using focus groups..
To establish the factors that influence INPs' antibiotic prescribing decisions, and to compare the responses between practice settings with factors that influence medical prescribers' antibiotic...
Shared decision making is crucial to the pharmacological management of persistent pain. This involves discussion about risks, benefits and potential consequences to facilitate formulation of a plan...
‘Understanding and overcoming the barriers to implementation is crucial to fully enable dietetic-led ordering of ONS for residents in care homes in Northern Ireland’.
This comprises a number of documents on behaviour change – everything from general approaches through adult weight management to stop smoking interventions. We’re interested in ‘behaviour change...
The main goals of COPD treatment include controlling symptoms, and improving exercise capacity and lung function, while preventing and reducing the occurrence of exacerbations, hospital admissions and...
The COVID-19 pandemic led to rapid adaptation of health and public health systems on a global scale (Simões et al, 2020). For example, in Beirut, Lebanon, the largest STI and HIV clinics have remained...
The revised NICE (2021) guidelines (NG209): Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence, recommended greater flexibility and clearer guidance in the use of nicotine...
Pain assessment should form part of the initial wound assessment, and there are many pain tools available. Nemeth et al (2003) reviewed the five most commonly used tools for measuring leg ulcer pain,...
Jane, a 30-year-old female, had a long-standing history of low mood, anxiety, periods of poor sleep and one episode of hypomania. She had previously been prescribed several different selective...
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