
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Rivaroxaban. 2021. (accessed 11 May 2021)

Electronic Medicines Compendium. Xarelto 10 mg film-coated tablets. 2021. (accessed 11 May 2021)

Drug breakdown: Rivaroxaban

02 June 2021
Volume 3 · Issue 6


In this column, Sharon Rees aims to refresh knowledge and interest in some of the commonly used drugs in a series of tweets. This month she is talking about #rivaroxaban

Dr Sharon Rees @reesprescribe

Day 1: As the gateway to the final common clotting pathway, factor Xa (FXa) was defined as a drug target. Mapping of this enzyme's pockets allowed computer aided testing of approximately 200 K small molecules for affinity and selectivity. #rivaroxaban showed high affinity and was licensed in 2008 in UK.

Dr Sharon Rees @reesprescribe

(cont) #rivaroxaban is one of the ‘direct’ oral anti-coagulants, named because it targets a single clotting factor; this reduces pharmacodynamic variability. These drugs (also apixaban and edoxaban) are now known as the ‘new’ oral anticoagulants; referred to as NOACs.

Dr Sharon Rees @reesprescribe

Day 2: VTE prophylaxis post hip/knee surgery 10 mg once daily (od) for 2 weeks (knee replacement) and 5 weeks (total hip repl); Treatment for DVT/PE 15 mg twice daily 21days then 20mg od. Prophylaxis of stroke/syst embolism 20 mg od; Prophylaxis thrombotic events in acute coronary syndrome and coronary/peripheral artery disease 2.5 mg twice daily (usually for 12 months ACS) (not exhaustive).

Dr Sharon Rees @reesprescribe

Day 3: Kinetics #rivaroxaban has good oral bioavailability, increased by food. Protein binding ~95%. Major elimination is by CYP metabolism, producing inactive metabolites. Remaining is divided into renal and hepato-biliary excretion. #rivaroxaban is a substrate of P-gp, which enhances clearance; therefore, inhibition of P-gp leads to increased drug levels.

Dr Sharon Rees @reesprescribe

Day 4 Mechanism of action: FXa is pivotal to haemostasis, initiating the ‘thrombin burst’. #rivaroxaban inhibits free and clot bound FXa, exerting powerful control over clotting, as the reduced generation of thrombin impairs the final step of coagulation and inhibits fibrin clot formation.

Dr Sharon Rees @reesprescribe

Day 5: #rivaroxaban is still on black triangle/requires extra vigilance! Common known adverse drug events: dizziness, headache, anaemia, eye haemorrhage, nose bleed, GI haemorrhage, pruritis, rash and fever. Uncommon/serious; anaphylaxis, cerebral haemorrhage, renal failure, SJS and DRESS (not exhaustive).

Dr Sharon Rees @reesprescribe

Day 5 (cont): No blood test is needed for routine monitoring of #rivaroxaban; this confers an advantage for all the NOACs over warfarin. Remains important to monitor/safety net to check for bleeding events and anaemia.

Dr Sharon Rees @reesprescribe

Day 6: #rivaroxaban drug-drug interactions (DDIs): All anti-coagulants, anti-platelets, SSRIs, NSAIDs increase the risk of bleeding. CYP3A4 and P-gp inhibitors eg macrolides and some azole anti-fungals increase exposure, especially if renal failure. Anti-epileptics eg phenytoin reduce exposure. All listed DDIs here are ‘severe’ (not exhaustive).

Dr Sharon Rees @reesprescribe

Day 7; Potentially fatal or uncontrolled bleeding while on #rivaroxaban can be reversed by stopping drug and andexanet alfa iv infusion. A recombinant form of FXa, it binds the drug while having no inherent activity, preventing further anti-coagulant effects. UK listed cost over £11K.


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Complete the additional reading suggested below and then answer the ten questions. Please submit the answers to as a numbered list with TRUE/FALSE or the correct A, B, C, D option. If you achieve 8 or more out of ten on the questions, a CPD certificate will be emailed to you.

Further reading on #rivaroxaban


1. Activated factor Xa is a protease enzyme

2. Rivaroxaban targets several clotting factors

3. Rivaroxaban is only used to prevent thrombotic events

4. Which of the following is true?

  • Targeting a single clotting factor means a weak anti-coagulant action
  • Factor Xa is a good drug target because it begins the whole clotting process
  • The NOACs are known as vitamin K inhibitors
  • Factor Xa is the single and direct target of rivaroxaban

5. The majority of rivaroxaban is excreted whole

6. Which best describes the mechanism of action of rivaroxaban?

  • It is a direct thrombin inhibitor
  • It is a selective factor Xa inhibitor
  • It is a non-selective factor Xa inducer
  • It is an anti-platelet drug
  • P-gp is a cell transporter in the liver and gut which shifts rivaroxaban out of cells and back into the circulation or bile ducts.

7. Anything which inhibits this activity will increase the effect(s) of rivaroxaban

8. Rash and fever are common adverse drug events when taking rivaroxaban

9. Carbamazepine has a severe drug-drug interaction with rivaroxaban

10. It is not possible to reverse the effects of rivaroxaban if there is a serious bleed