Associate Professor Therapeutics and Prescribing, London South Bank University
Day 1: As it is chemically related to the neurotransmitter GABA, #baclofen was trialed for epilepsy in the 1960s, but found ineffective, However, a centrally acting muscle relaxant effect was...
Day 1: #melatonin is derived from the pineal gland & was first isolated in the late 1950s. Named from observation of altered frog pigmentation, but the role for human melanin is unknown. Known for...
Day 1: Convinced that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) had a bacterial cause, Professor Nanna Svartz tested sulfapyridine on her patients. After minimal success, a drug company helped her to combine this...
Day 1: Approved in Europe in 2020, the novel lipid lowering drug #inclisiran acts on PCSK9, a known lipid pathway target; this gene therapy ‘switches off’ the enzyme (mimicking the natural mechanism...
Day 1: Still the mainstay of Parkinson's disease (PD) treatment, #levodopa was extracted from faba bean seedlings in the early 20C. It was deployed in the 1960s with dramatic ‘wakening’ effects on...
Day 1: Known as an antibiotic with anti-parasitic properties, #metronidazole was discovered in the 1960s for efficacy against amoebic dysentery. This led to the accidental discovery of activity...
Day 1: Following the diabetes & weight loss successes of GLP-1 agonists such as semaglutide, #tirzepatide is the 1st ‘dual’ incretin drug. Peptide engineering has been used to bring GLP-1 activity...
With the help of Prescribing and Therapeutics Training Ltd and the Journal of Prescribing Practice, you can earn your 1-hour CPD certificate.
Day 1: After recognition that early antipsychotic drugs acting on dopamine pathways had an impact on vomiting, the search was on for an anti-emetic without extra pyramidal side-effects (EPS)....
Day 1: A synthetic opioid discovered circa 1960 (from phenylpiperidine) #fentanyl is x 50-100 more potent compared to morphine. Originally for anaesthetic i.v use; also now used for moderate-severe...
With the help of Prescribing and Therapeutics Training Ltd and the Journal of Prescribing Practice, you can earn your 1-hour CPD certificate.
Day 1: A synthetic vitamin A derivative, #isotretinoin was discovered in the 1950s & originally used for skin cancer. Its effect on the cell cycle led to the discovery of efficacy for severe acne...
Day 1: The mild CNS stimulant #methylphenidate was synthesised in the1940s & marketed as Ritalin by the 1950s, after recognition it improved concentration. Trialled for many conditions e.g chronic...
Day 1: Originally derived from streptomyces bacteria (1960s), the main use for the synthetic oral form of #fosfomycin since the 1990s is for uncomplicated UTIs. Still available i.v for osteomyelitis,...
Day 1: A vasodilator derived from diallylmelamine in 1960s was found to have a BP lowering effect & #minoxidil was licensed 1970s. Long-term use revealed side-effect of hypertrichosis & trials for...
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