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How accurate is the QbTest for measuring symptoms of ADHD in children and adults?

02 October 2024
Volume 6 · Issue 10


This literature review aimed to assess the reliability and validity of the quantified behavioural test (QbTest) to measure the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), determining the extent to which results of the selected studies were accurate and generalisable. A literature review was undertaken, with each paper appraised using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme randomised controlled trial checklist. Thematic analysis was also implemented to identify key themes and relationships between data sets. Three papers concluded that the QbTest increases clinical efficiency without compromising diagnostic accuracy, while others identified limitations relating to its ability to identify symptoms of impulsivity correctly. Additional issues were identified relating to external validity, generalisability and the extent to which the QbTest could differentiate ADHD from other conditions. It is concluded that the QbTest is an unreliable means of assessing ADHD in both children and adults, particularly when used as a stand-alone assessment tool. Thematic analysis highlighted concerns around diagnostic accuracy and the QbTest's inability to differentiate symptoms of ADHD from other conditions – fundamental flaws affecting the overarching fidelity of QbTesting.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterised by excessive levels of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention (Wang et al, 2022). Thomas et al (2015) report a worldwide prevalence rate of between 5.29% and 7.2% in children, and 6.76% in adults (Song et al, 2021). National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE, 2018) guidance changes placing ADHD into mental health services, alongside growing recognition of the condition, have put increasing pressure on healthcare providers.

Therefore, there is an urgent need for objective assessment methods to strengthen neurodevelopmental assessment processes, to accurately diagnose ADHD in a more streamlined manner (Wang et al, 2022).

The quantified behavioural test (QbTest; Qbtech Ltd) is an objective screening tool to supplement ADHD diagnosis. Hall et al (2018) found the QbTest improves reliability and clinical decision-making speed. Hollis et al (2018) also determined the QbTest had valuable applications in the assessment of ADHD in children, with clinicians 1.44 times more likely to reach a diagnostic decision. Moreover, Bijlenga et al (2019) concluded that the QbTest was a suitable tool for assessing ADHD in older adults.

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