This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Mental health

How accurate is the QbTest for measuring symptoms of ADHD in children and adults?

As this project aimed to appraise and synthesise results of previous research, this review was conducted systematically, using primary research between 2013 and 2022, to evaluate the reliability and...

Non-medical prescribing in mental health services

The alcohol liaison service in an inner-London hospital has developed a nurse-led service model to meet the needs of the patient population it serves. Experienced non-medical prescribers deliver the...

Treatment of adjustment disorders in mental health crisis care: a reflective case study

John (a pseudonym used to protect his identity) was a 54 year-old man who was referred to the mental health crisis resolution team by his GP after attempting suicide. There had been a 1-month history...

Prescribing where there is a comorbid presentation of anxiety and depression: a case study

Although there are over 80 known different transmitters in the brain, each nerve ending only has one type. These neurotransmitters tend to be grouped together and each seems to have a specific role....

Deprescribing in mental health care

There are a number of definitions of the term deprescribing. At its core are facets of the medicines optimisation movement and concerns about polypharmacy, particularly in older adult care..

An exploration of why qualified mental health nurse prescribers do not prescribe

A qualitative approach was used in this research, using descriptive, exploratory methods..

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Journal of Prescribing Practice shares the latest clinical expertise and professional guidance for non-medical prescribers. Our goal is to provide the knowledge to help you prescribe more efficiently and effectively.

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