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Using the British National Formulary app to support safe prescribing: a practical guide

02 October 2022
Volume 4 · Issue 10



This article is a practical guide to using the British National Formulary (BNF) and BNF for Children (BNFC) App more effectively, to support safe prescribing. It provides a brief overview of app layout and navigation. Features that support safe prescribing are then explored, focusing on drug monographs and the Interactions Checker tool; examples are used for illustration. Location of information that is particularly relevant to prescribers is highlighted. The BNF app provides prescribers with fast, convenient access to validated, current information. However, it may need to be supplemented by other sources, and knowledge is only one element of the competencies needed to be a safe, effective prescriber.

The British National Formulary (BNF) and BNF for Children (BNFC) app give quick access to reliable, practical, evidence-based information that supports safe prescribing (BNF Publications, 2022a). It offers several advantages for prescribers, the main one being that, unlike the print publications, clinical content is updated every month (Joint Formulary Committee (JFC), 2021). The BNF is updated twice a year, and the BNFC is updated annually (BNF Publications, 2022b); digital publications are preferable for prescribers, to assure clinical currency and reduce medicolegal risk. While the content of BNF Online is updated monthly (BNF Publications, 2022c), the BNF app is fully functional offline (BNF Publications, 2022a), making it ideal for home visits and ward rounds.

The BNF app includes information on how to use BNF Publications; however, it relates to BNF Online. This article is a practical guide to empower prescribers to use the BNF app more effectively. It focuses on accessing BNF app content from mobile telephones; images are taken from an iOS device. Developing the skills to efficiently navigate the BNF app enables prescribers to harness its wealth of information to support safe practice.

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