To understand the lived experiences of DPPs, and explore the enablers and barriers to this role using focus groups..
If active prescribers using their qualification feel a lack of confidence, it could be deduced that this would be similar or increased for those who have not been actively using their qualification....
The university held a number of workshops online with 10 Adventurers to discuss the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's Prescribing Competency Framework (RPS, 2021). This is a guiding framework for...
Parkinsonism is an umbrella term for conditions that present with symptoms typically seen in Parkinson's disease (which accounts for around 85% of cases of parkinsonism) (McFarland and Hess, 2017;...
Nisha, a 55-year-old female housekeeper, was referred for physiotherapy pelvic health review with a 2-year history of daily episodes of urinary incontinence when coughing, sneezing and when at work,...
DPP supervision during and after NMP training can also be considered as a human factor, despite research showing that DPPs, on the whole, are enthusiastic about supervision (Jarmain et al, 2023)....
‘There has been a seemingly generic move towards referring to “independent prescribers”; however, this is not inclusive of the range and diversity of professional prescribing annotations’ .
The alcohol liaison service in an inner-London hospital has developed a nurse-led service model to meet the needs of the patient population it serves. Experienced non-medical prescribers deliver the...
There are 14 methods of contraception, and side effects are usually associated with hormonal and intrauterine methods. These methods will now be considered individually by method, exploring the...
Powell et al (2014) identified that the majority of medical textbooks available in the UK are insufficient in providing knowledge around the considerations for the prescription of intravenous fluids....
John (a pseudonym used to protect his identity) was a 54 year-old man who was referred to the mental health crisis resolution team by his GP after attempting suicide. There had been a 1-month history...
There were four main themes identified from the semi-structured interviews. These were cross-referenced against the qualitative responses from the initial investigative survey and were seen to align...
Non-medical prescribing is increasingly being recognised as an essential healthcare practice, with at least 18 countries adopting NMP across Europe, the Americas and Australasia (Courtenay et al,...
Prescribing data for antibiotics prescribed by NMPs in primary care and dispensed in the community was obtained from NHS Business Services Authority and the regulating bodies for the professions with...
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic created a major paradigm shift in the way teaching and learning occurred in addition to wider social, health and well-being implications (Douglas et al, 2020). The speed...
Journal of Prescribing Practice shares the latest clinical expertise and professional guidance for non-medical prescribers. Our goal is to provide the knowledge to help you prescribe more efficiently and effectively.
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