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A–Z of prescribing for children

02 May 2024
Volume 6 · Issue 5


This series focuses on aspects of prescribing for neonates, children and young people, from A–Z. Aspects of pharmacokinetics will be considered, alongside legal considerations, consent and medications in schools

History taking in children and young people needs a different approach to taking a history from an adult. It is important to consider the approach to consultation as children clearly vary in their age, developmental stage and capacity, so often a parent or carer is present. It has been shown that children should be involved in the consultation and decision making process (Coyne, 2006), and communication models involving putting the child or young person first have been implemented (Martin et al, 2019).

It is important to gain the trust of the child or young person and their family in order to develop an optimum therapeutic relationship, and age-appropriate language, and direct any questions to both the child and their parent/carer. A structured approach taking a history is advised, as seen in Box 1.

Box 1.A structured history approach

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