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Non-medical prescribing in primary care in the United Kingdom: an overview of the current literature

02 September 2021
Volume 3 · Issue 9



Non-medical prescribers (NMPs) are perceived as a complement to busy general practice in primary care.


To conduct an overview of the literature available on the role and impact of non-medical prescribing (NMP) on primary care patients.


The search was conducted using multiple databases to find articles published between January 2015-January 2021. Inclusion criteria: NMPs in primary care in the United Kingdom, written in English language. Exclusion criteria: research conducted in secondary care or outside the UK.


285 studies were identified; 15 were eligible for critical appraisal. Key themes were: NMP's positive perceptions were autonomy, job satisfaction and colleague support; negative perceptions included risk, lack of continuous professional development (CPD), organisational support.


By reviewing the perceptions of NMPs in primary care, organisations can ensure when employing new NMPs that the adequate CPD and support is in place. Thereby reducing NMPs concerns about the ligation risk of prescribing.

After nurses had lobbied parliament for years to be legally allowed to prescribe, which eventually happened in 1992 (Department of Health [DH], 1989; 1998; 1999) slowly with the change in legislation and policies, nurses earned more and more prescribing rights until April 2006, when they were given the same prescribing rights as doctors (Pearce, 2016). This exceeds any other NMP rights anywhere in the world and has caused great concern in the medical profession initially (Avery and Pringle, 2005; British Medical Association [BMA], 2005; Day, 2006). However, now NMP is seen to complement busy general practitioners in primary care (Courtaney et al, 2017). NMPs are registered prescribers who are not doctors (physicians) such as nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, radiographers, podiatrists, and recently, paramedics (Table 1).

Table 1. Evolution of non-medical prescribing in the United Kingdom
1992 Legislation passed to allow limited formulary for HVs and DNs
1999 HV and DN own formulary
2000 Extended independent nurse prescribers trained for WIC, ED and primary care
2002 Extended formulary prescribing for nurses
2003 Supplementary prescribing for nurses and pharmacists
2006 Independent prescribing for nurses and pharmacistsSupplementary prescribing for therapeutic and diagnostic radiographers, physiotherapists, and podiatrists.
2008 Independent prescribing for optometrists
2012 Independent prescribing for physiotherapists and podiatrists
2016 Independent prescribing for therapeutic radiographersSupplementary prescribing for dieticians
2018 Independent prescribing for paramedics apart from controlled drugs

HV = Health Visitors, DN= District Nurse, WIC = Walk-in-Centre, ED= Emergency Department


The primary focus of the research in NMP to date has been on its impact on patients, practitioners and organisations (Courtenay et al, 2018; Carey et al, 2020). Other studies have identified motivators, such as job satisfaction and the opportunity to improve patient care, linked to increased prescribing activity (Taylor and Bailey, 2017). Barriers identified to NMP have been the lack of access to training and support from colleagues and risk of litigation (Armstrong, 2015; Nelson et al, 2019; Holden et al, 2019). There is a wide range of influences on NMP, including the trust of other members of the team (Weiss et al, 2014), the prescriber's confidence (Courtenay et al, 2018), their experience (Maddox et al, 2015), the expectations of others and the organisation (Hindi et al, 2019).

The role of non-medical prescribers

The new NHS Long Term Plan (Winter, 2019) proposed an additional 20 000 NMP roles for primary care. Inadequacies within traditional doctor-led care systems mean that to maintain patient access to prescription medicines, new approaches are urgently required. Allied health professionals such as physiotherapists, podiatrists and radiographers have been identified as having an integral part in the required transformational change. The reduction of the number of General Practitioners (GP) and the new ways of working in primary care, are prompting the need for NMPs fill theses gaps (Winter, 2019).

The present situation in the United Kingdom

NMP is increasingly being recognised as an essential healthcare practice, with at least 18 countries adopting NMP across Europe, the Americas and Australasia (Courtenay et al, 2017). The drive behind NMP in the United Kingdom is the need to deliver high-quality healthcare to patients where and when they require it, within a limited financial resource (Winter, 2019). Innovative patient-centred care pathways have been developed using the most appropriate healthcare professionals, such as clinical pharmacists in general practice and prescribing physiotherapists streamlining musculoskeletal pathways (Carey, 2020). The reduction in the number of GPs is also cause for concern regarding patients getting access to timely medical intervention (Winter, 2019).

In the United Kingdom, it is estimated that there are currently over 90 000 registered NMPs including nurses, midwives, pharmacists and allied healthcare professionals (eg optometrists, physiotherapists, podiatrists and radiographers) (Courtenay et al, 2017). Independent prescribing by advanced paramedics has now come into force from 2018, but this excluded prescribing controlled drugs (NHS England, 2018).

Primary health care networks

Since the NHS was created in 1948, the population has grown, and people are living longer (Winter, 2019). Many people are living with long-term conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, or suffering from mental health issues and may need to access their local health services more often. To meet these needs practices have begun working together and with their local community, mental health services, social care provider, pharmacies, hospitals, and voluntary services to form primary care networks (King's Fund, 2019). Around 7 000 practices across England – more than 99% - have come together to form more than 1 300 Primary Care Networks (PCNs). PCNs are based on GP registered lists typically serving natural communities of around 30 000 to 50 000 (King's Fund, 2018; NHS England and NHS improvement, 2018).

Research aim

The goal of this study is to conduct an overview of the contemporary literature available on the role and impact of non-medical prescribers on primary care patients.

The key research questions are:

  • How do non-medical prescribers perceive themselves?
  • How do patients perceive non-medical prescribers?
  • How do other staff perceive NMPs


A systematic process was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines (Figure 1). This utilises a transparent, structured process to review the literature and this approach is equally important when reviewing qualitative literature as it requires the identification of clear criteria to support credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability (Bearman and Dawson, 2013). The quality of the studies was evaluated using two validated tools, Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Studies (COREQ) (Tong et al, 2007) for interview and focus groups and the Quality Assessment Tool for studies with Diverse Designs - QATSDD (Sirriyeh et al, 2011) for diverse design. All articles were scored and graded against the two checklists and then presented as percentages so they could be compared (Graham-Clarke et al, 2019). QSR International NVivo 12 is a software programme used for the thematic analysis.

Figure 1. PRISMA 2009 Flow Diagram

Literature Search

The literature search was undertaken in January 2021 using a range of databases from the University of Central Lancashire and resources selected because of their relevance to the subject (Table 2). To gather an insight into the factors that could impact on the NMP, the search included qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods studies. Table 3 shows the search strategy of Nurs*, Non-medical, Primary care, and prescrib*.

Table 2. Summary of databases and website resources included in the search
Databases and websites Number of articles
AMED - Allied and complementary medicine database None
ERIC – the Education Resource Information Centre None
Google Scholar 31
HMIC – Health Management Information Consortium None
Total 280

Table 3. Search Strategy and Terms
Search Terms Search Terms
Years 2015-2021 Written in English Research setting in UK
P (Population) Nurse/Nurses/Non-medical prescriber/pharmacist/physiotherapist/podiatrist Nurs*
  Non-Medical Primary Care
I (Issue) Prescriber/Perscribers/Prescribing Prescrib*
E (Effect/Method) Any  

Inclusion criteria

Articles published in English language from January 2015 to January 2021 were reviewed in line with aims. This short timeframe was selected to give an overview of contemporary literature in this fast-moving field.

Exclusion criteria

Articles were ineligible for inclusion if they were published only in abstract form, opinion paper, narrative reviews, related only to secondary care or not in the UK and not published in the English language. The latter is due to a lack of resources for translation.

Ethics approval

Ethics approval was not required.

Summary of Results

In the 15 eligible studies (Table 4), 3016 participants were identified (Table 5). Most prescribers being nurses 75% (n=483), followed by pharmacists 11% (n=72), physiotherapist accounting for 4% (n=21) participants and finally four podiatrists (1%). In Holden et al (2019) study, 1646 physiotherapists responded to a questionnaire regarding non-medical prescribing for osteoarthritis; however, only 1% (nine) were prescribers.

Table 4. Characteristics and details of the research papers
Author(s) Location Study Design Participant(s) Findings COREQ or QATSDD
Armstrong (2015) Urgent care setting in England SSI Questionnaire Total number of participants: 25Senior Nurses 1Doctor 1NPs 2PP 1Patients 20 Benefits of autonomous working identified by staff and patients.Concern over increase workload for NP. Enhanced staff experience. Seen as a natural progression for advance nurses and continuity of care for patients. COREQ50%
Carey et al (2020) Primary Care in England Quasi-experimental, post-test group design Total number of participants: 3294 P. physio and 3 podiatrists compared to4 Non-P physio and 3 podiatrists315 patients. Patients were asked for feedback on their consultations with their clinicians and then compared with prescriber and non-prescribers. Patients overall satisfied with care, professional care ease of access to care and satisfied with informations on medicines. COREQ31%
Courtenay et al (2018) All settings in Wales e-Delphi survey Total number of participants: 34NP 28PP 3Physio 2Radiographer 1 21 statements were generated and 9 factors that promoted the implementation of NMP – Positive organisational recognition, colleague support and CPD.5 Actions were required for NMP, clinical supervision, CPD, and that NMP were valued by patients, colleagues and the organisation. QATSDD76.2%
Courtenay et al (2017a) All settings in Wales Questionnaire Total number of participants:376NP 321PP 46ANP 9 NMP reported that they prescribed across a broad range of therapeutic areas. Infections for nurse, pain for pharmacist and MSK for physiotherapists. Lack of funding was the barriers to prescribing QATSDD59.6%
Courtenay et al (2017b) Scotland, Wales and England SSI And questionnaires Total number of participants:137Patient questionnaires and follow up 120SSI with 22 of those patientsSSI – 16 NPSSI - 1 PP Focus on prescribing for respiratory tract infection. 96% of the patient population was satisfied or very satisfied due to a patient-centred approach. Patients reported being listened to and being taken seriously by NMPs. NMP addressed patient expectations and concerns. COREQ53%
Courtenay et al (2015) England Case study Total number of participants: 22612 case study sites in the UKIP (n=6)Nurse (n=6)Patients (n=214) Data was compared from patients with diabetes who had been treated by diabetic specialist nurse who could prescribe compared to diabetic nurses who could not prescribe. No statistical significant differences were founds in the management of clinical outcomes such as diabetic control defined by levels of HbA1c. Increased satisfaction with all nurses but more so with nurse prescribers. COREQ31%
Herklots et al (2015) CC two PCTs in England SSI Total number of participants: 7NP 7 NMP enhanced their role and knowledge from the prescribing course was beneficial for their whole practice. Support included CPD was variable with difficult being able to access formal CPD, however GP were very supportive. Being able to prescribed allowed speedier access to medicine for patients was also noted. COREQ50%
Hindi et al (2019) PC in England Questionnaires Total number of participants: 84IP 20Colleagues 26Patients 38 Patient strongly agreed that IP improved the quality of care for the patient. Key barriers: IP's knowledge, competence and organisational factors such as workload, effective teamwork and support from colleagues. COREQ50%
Holden et al (2019) PC in England Questionnaires and SSI Total number of participants:1646 Physiotherapists (physios) 1637Physio Prescribers 9 One per cent of physios approaching OA were prescribers. However, they were not keen on extra responsibility despite acknowledging the GP burden. Did identify patient convenience as a benefit for prescribing. Lack of support to prescribe, burden of extensive training, and potential legal consequences. COREQ50%
Maddox et al (2016) PC and CC – in NW England SSI or Focus group x3 Total number of participants: 30PP 5NP 25 NMPs cautious when prescribing; confidence improved with good support. NMP required improved access to CPD, clinical support and cohesive team culture. COREQ63%
Nelson et al (2019) PCEngland SSI and focus groups Total number of participants:38SL 9AP 8PA 4PP 6GP 5PM 6 Themes analysis captured:- purpose and place of new roles in general practice, such as physician associates as well as advanced practitioners. Findings: -unclear role definitions and tension at professional boundaries. The need for training to ensure feasibility of skill mix. COREQ53%
Taylor & Bailey (2017) CCEngland Questionnnaire Total number of participants: 20School Nurses 20 Identified benefits such as improved medicine management and earlier interventions. Job satisfaction and credibility as being able to prescribe. Barriers: lack of need and lack of organisational support and CPD. QATSDD64.3%
Weglicki et al (2015) England SSI and focus groups Total number of participants:15PP 1NP 11Physio 3 Personal anxiety undermining confidence to prescribe, external barriers and other factors that exacerbate anxiety. Need for support identified through coping strategies, preferred mode or style of learning. COREQ56%
Weiss et al (2016) PC England SSI Total number of participants: 21GP 7NP 7PP 7 Looked at how prescribers identify themselves “The doctors are king” NP unsure who to align to, either nurses or GPs as now prescribers. PP did not feel part of the surgery as a secondary role. Organisational barriers identified. COREQ53%
Williams et al (2018) Out of Hours (OOH) service in PC SSI Total number of participants: 30GP 15NP 15 Examined GPs and NPs prescribing antibiotics for respiratory tract infections in OOH in PC. Found that NP reported perceptions of greater accountability for their prescribing compared to GPs. Participants agreed more complex cases should be seen by GPs. COREQ67%
PC = Primary Care; CC= Community Care; CPD=continuing professional development; MSK = Musculoskeletal; NP=Nurse Prescribers; OA = Osteo arthritis; OOH = Out of Hours service; PP = pharmacist prescriber; SSI = Semi-Structured interviews; AP = Advanced practitioner; PA = Physician associate; PM= Practice manager; SL = Service Lead.

Table 5. Summary of the different participants enrolled in the studies
Paper Number Total Participants Nurse Prescribers Pharmacist Prescribers Physio Prescribers Podiatrist Prescribers Other NMP Other staff GP Patients
1. 25 2 1       1 1 20
2. 329     4 3   7   315
3. 34 28 5     1      
4. 374 321 46 4 1 2      
5. 137 16 1           120
6. 226 6         6   214
7. 7 7              
8. 84 20       26     38
9. 1646     9     1637    
10. 30 25 5            
11. 38 5 6 1   6 15 5  
12. 20 20              
13. 15 11 1 3          
14. 21 7 7         7  
15. 30 15           15  
Total 3,016 483 72 21 4 35 1,666 28 707

All papers showed how participants were selected and the method of sampling and gave sample size. Across all papers the details of the reflexivity of interviewer, the relationship with the participant and whether any bias existed was covered. However, there were no details of non-participants and only three papers included interview guides (Maddox et al, 2016; Williams et al, 2017; Nelson et al, 2019). No studies repeated and did follow up interviews and only one paper mentioned duration of the interview and returning interview transcription to be checked by participant (Maddox et al, 2016). Within data analysis no data coders or description of the coding tree were given most paper did show deviations of themes and the software used.

This study highlighted the negative and positive perceptions of NMP by prescribers as well as from their colleagues and from the patient's perception. It gives a wider perception of the whole impact of NMP in primary care.

Positive perspective

The prescribers' perceptions of their role are mainly positive, especially about their ability to prescribe, as it is generally seen as making positive contribution to patient care including speedier access to medication (Armstrong, 2015; Heklots et al, 2015; Carey et al, 2020; Heklots et al, 2015; Courtenay et al, 2017). Autonomy, increased job satisfaction and being able to make better use of skills/knowledge are also acknowledged as being positive by NMPs (Armstrong, 2015; Taylor and Bailey, 2017; Hindi et al, 2019) (Table 6,7).

Table 6. Themes of positive and negative perceptions of non-medical prescribing
PRECEPTION NMP Patient Organisational Outcomes
Positive Autonomy Better outcomes for patients Cost - effectiveness
Job satisfaction Easier access to medicines Availability of staff
Support High patient satisfaction More multi-disciplinary team working
Negative Increase Risk Prefer to see GP Lack of support
Lack of support Lack of confidence in non-medical prescriber Lack of guidance and restricted formulary
Increased Workload   Lack of Continuous Professional Development
Lack of Continuous Professional Development    

Table 7. The quotations of positive and negative perceptions of NMP
Theme Sub-theme Quotations and sources
NMPPositive Perception Autonomy “Obviously (I am) completely autonomous, and it benefits me and the nurse” Nurse 1 (Armstrong, 2015).
Job satisfaction “All 10 current IPs agreed or strongly agreed that their prescribing role ensured better use of their skills and time, meant they were less dependent on doctors and had increased their job satisfaction” (Hindi et al, 2019).
Support “Three hundred and forty-seven (91%) indicated that peers/team members were supportive of the prescribing role” (Courtenay et al, 2017)
NMPNegativePerceptions Risk “I suppose if you prescribe wrongly, you are at risk, and your job is at risk, and you are liable.” Nurse 1 (Armstrong, 2015).
“I'm not paid enough to get sued, should anything go wrong” (Participant number 4334 - Physiotherapists (Holden et al, 2019)
“The fear of being sued and the implications of vicarious liability through failing to maintain one's professional competences was at the forefront of some non-medical prescribers' minds” (Weglicki et al, 2015).
Lack of support “The continence specialist nurse felt her confidence to prescribe was diminishing because of lack of support, as she was the sole NMP and did not have a ‘mentoring’ relationship with the GP” (Maddox et al, 2016).
Lack of CPD “The matrons identified formal structured support, both in the form of mentorship and CPD as lacking in accessibility and regularity (Herklots et al, 2015).
Increased workload “There were concerns over increased workload for prescribing nurse” (Armstrong, 2015).
“Independent prescribers believed that managing their workload enabled them to spend more prescribing time with each patient. Nonetheless, they felt that independent prescribing duties should be accounted for within their daily workload.” (Hindi et al, 2019)
Patient's Perception of NMP   “Independent prescribers and colleagues commonly mentioned time constraints due to workload pressures as a barrier to independent prescribing” (Hindi et al, 2019).
Easier to get an appointment “Most perceived that it was easier to get an appointment with the IP in comparison to doctors and believed they got longer appointments (n=17; 71%)” (Hindi et al, 2019)
“I really think this is a great idea as you can be waiting weeks to get an appointment with a doctor (patient no 6) (Hindi et al, 2019).
Other staff perception of NMP Better use of staff skills “The senior doctor saw the expansion of the nurse's role as a logical progression for senior specialist nurses..” (Armstrong, 2015).
“(nurse prescribing) frees up medical time for other people” Medical consultant (Armstrong, 2015).
“Non-doctor prescribing is recognised as an effective way of alleviating shortfalls in the global workforce” (Carey et al, 2020).

Negative perceptions

Negative perceptions were identified, including challenges such as NMPs having to adopt to new roles, manage extra responsibility and integrate with their practice settings in a way which supports cohesive teamwork between doctors, independent prescribers and other colleagues (Armstrong, 2015; Maddox et al, 2016; Nelson et al, 2019). The risk of potential legal consequences due to the additional responsibility of prescribing was raised as a concern (Holden et al, 2019) and deterred many practitioners from training to be an NMP (Holden et al, 2019; Carey, 2020). Lack of support from management and from colleagues was also identified as a barrier (Maddox et al, 2016). Lack of CPD, lack of guidance and increased workloads were identified as well (Armstrong, 2015; Courtenay et al, 2017; Maddox et al, 2016; Taylor and Bailey, 2017). Independent prescribing presents novel challenges to both independent prescribers and those working in a setting where they practice (Weglicki et al, 2015; Weiss et al, 2014) (Table 6,7).

Patient's perception

Patient's perception on NMP was positive, reporting positive experience and high satisfaction with accessibility and length of consultation (Carey et al, 2020; Hindi et al, 2019). Doctors also perceive benefits from working along-side independent prescribers such as having more time for complex cases (Herklots et al, 2015; Weiss et al, 2014) (Table 6,7).

Organisation support

The results of this review are that the implementation of NMP is strongly influenced by organisational support (eg local policies, workload, funding and availably of medical resources and additional skills) (Courtenay et al, 2017; Hindi et al, 2019; Taylor and Bailey, 2017) and for it to be successful the whole organisation has to ensure adequate preparation for not only the NMPs, but the whole team, so that the NMPs can be supported and reach their full potential. For NMPs to be successful the organisation must ensure adequate preparation for not only the NMPs but the whole team, so that the NMPs can be supported and reach their full potential (Table 6,7).


Employing non-medical prescribers NMPs within healthcare services has the potential to make savings across a range of health specialities, providing more holistic patient care within an individual profession's scope of practice (Carey et al, 2020). For NMPs to become more widely accepted, healthcare managers, clinical care quality and safety agencies, as well as the public require evidence of the overall value of NMPs through the implementation of services that are patient-centred, improving the quality and safety of patient care, while simultaneously reducing costs and improving the efficiency of treatment and patient-outcomes (Courtenay et al, 2017).

Multiple studies have a focus on new roles and appropriate skill mix for general practice, not least because of the on-going shortage of GPs but also because of the growing number of different issues and tasks that general practices must tackle (Maddox et al, 2016; Nelson et al, 2019; Carey et al, 2020).

National policies have identified that ‘GPs will recruit multi-disciplinary teams, including pharmacists, physiotherapists, paramedics, physician associates and social prescribing support workers, freeing up family doctors to focus on the sickest patients’ (NHS Long Term Plan, 2019).

The studies conducted by Weglicki et al (2015) and Weiss et al (2014) highlighted the importance of organisational features such as role collaboration and teamwork. They suggested that in the organisations they observed where the different social identities were respected and supported, a positive organisational identity in terms of multi-disciplinary working may also be more likely to provide better patient care than those practices where traditional hierarchies and rigid professional boundaries predominated.


To the best of our knowledge, there were no studies carried out in Northern Ireland and many studies included participants from secondary care and therefore excluded from this paper. There were no studies looking particularly at the impact of NMPs in primary care on minor illness. Therefore, more research needs to be carried out in this area. The literature that has been reviewed is only from the last 5 years to ensure that it is contemporary, but it does not show past trends or practices in Northern Ireland.

Implications to practice

Since 1992 and the development of NMP, patients and other practitioners have come to accept that prescribing can be safely performed by another member of staff as well as medical practitioners (i5 Health, 2015). To ensure that practitioners wishing to enhance their skills can undertake the appropriate training with suitable practice mentor in place in the clinical practice. Organisational policies and procedures need to be in place to support NMPs with a clear level of responsibilities and scope of practice. CPD must be placed to strengthened and support NMPs and ensuring that they are up to date and confident to prescribe within scope of practice.


With the increased demand for general practice services and the decrease of medical practitioners, it will be necessary for GP surgeries to develop a multi-disciplinary approach to primary health care provision. To enable the population to have adequate access to medicines, it will be key that NMPs are utilised, and their expertise and competences are adequately resourced. The studies identified in our search and included in the literature review have shown that outcomes and patient satisfaction are the same, if not higher than doctors. Organisations will need to develop robust continuous professional development for NMPs along with clear professional and organisational guidelines on prescribing. To ensure that non-medical professionals are willing to undertake the prescribing training, they will need adequate financial incentives and career structure as well as good clinical support and supervision. GP services will have to ensure that they have systems in place to recruit, train, retain and promote non-medical prescribers to enhance primary care.

Key to making the new roles work will be to understand their place in the core general practice team or broader team and to build the relationship between professionals so that patients do not face multiple handoffs or get confused about how to access care. In choosing what additional roles to add to the team, it is essential that practices have a deep understanding of the needs of the population they serve and employ/train the right professionals with the right skills, supported by appropriate governance structure, to provide that care (Primary Care workforce commission, 2015). More research needs to be done in this area to ensure good integration of NMP into primary care.

Key Points

  • Non-medical prescribing in primary care is on the increase with more professions being able to prescribe.
  • Positive perceptions of NMPs are job autonomy, satisfaction, and quicker access to medication.
  • Negative perceptions of NMPs are litigation risk, increase workload and lack of support.
  • To successfully implement NMPs the whole organisation must be ready to work with NMPs and support them.

CPD reflective questions

  • What are the perceived benefits of having NMPs in primary care?
  • What are the perceived challenges for NMPs in primary care?
  • If you were a manager, what would you do to support NMPs in primary care?
  • How would you minimise the risks of NMPs in primary care?