Celebrating non-medical prescribers

02 April 2023
Volume 5 · Issue 4

As I write my final editorial for the Journal of Prescribing Practice, I reflect on my nearly four-years and the significant developments within the non-medical prescribing sector during this time. It has been a pleasure to witness such growth in the non-medical prescribing sector and your growth on individual levels, and I have observed your skillsets and areas of practice flourish with resilience. These experiences have left me feeling introspective and grateful for the opportunity to witness this exciting evolution.

It has been rewarding to watch you all overcome the various obstacles that emerged. The most notable was undoubtedly the COVID-19 pandemic. I had only just joined the journal when the pandemic hit, and it quickly became apparent that healthcare delivery would have to undergo significant changes. It was inspiring to witness how you all rose to the occasion, adapting to every setback and change with remarkable resilience. Throughout this time, we published several papers documenting these adaptations, and it will be fascinating to reflect on them in the future and determine which practices are still in place and which have been reversed now that COVID-19 is no longer a dominant concern.

Throughout my tenure with the journal, I have witnessed your dedication to combatting new and familiar challenges, whether that be vaccine hesitancy, exploring the benefits and challenges of social prescribing, and finding innovative ways to maintain safe practice. Recently, you have also been adapting to new schemes that will further change your day-to-day routines, such as the introduction of trial social prescribing initiatives and new HRT programmes.

It is wonderful to see many of you engaging with our CPD pages, which I hope have provided a fresh and enriching approach to developing and refreshing your prescribing knowledge. As I move on to my new role at Gastrointestinal Nursing, I look forward to staying in touch with the journal and observing how non-medical prescribers continue to flourish and use the journal as a resource.

I had the pleasure of meeting some of you at the Primary Care Nursing Live event a couple of weeks ago. Watching the many talks and seeing how actively guests engaged with our speakers and exhibitors, it was clear to see that despite the challenging conditions caused by a government that consistently neglects the NHS (to say the very least!), you all still carry a great passion and sense of duty of care. It was gratifying to see your dedication in the face of such adversity.

I wish you all the best and encourage you to remain connected with the journal. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at prescribingpractice@markallengroup.com. We are always pleased to hear from you.