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Effective advice on contraceptive choices

02 November 2024
Volume 6 · Issue 11


Contraception is freely available in the UK from the NHS through pharmacies or private providers, such as Brook clinics. Despite wider societal acceptance of contraception, practical, psychological and social barriers remain to access for a range of groups. A first consultation to assess contraceptive needs will require a longer appointment as there are many issues to discuss alongside those pertaining directly to contraceptive use, such as emergency contraception, safeguarding and sexually transmitted infection risk. Health professionals must consider consent and confidentiality in any consultation and be aware of groups who are at higher risk of abuse, such as vulnerable adults and those from the LGBTQ+ community. This article discusses contraception use, and forms of available contraception in the UK, including common risks and benefits, barriers to accessing contraception and emergency contraception.

In England and Wales in 2021, there were 824 983 conceptions for women of all ages, with women aged 30–34 having the highest incidence of conception and lowest termination rate of any of the age groups. Conception rates were highest in women outside of marriage and civil partnership for the first time, and this group also had a higher termination rate (Office for National Statistics (ONS), 2023). Over the last decade, the conception rate for women aged 15–44 years has decreased from 80.4 conceptions per 1000 women in 2011 to 71.5 per 1000 in 2021 (ONS, 2023).

There are 15 forms of contraception available in the UK, some of which are non-hormonal. Contraception works by one of the following methods:


The only form of contraception that will protect against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection (STI) is the condom, and its use should always be encouraged alongside other methods, particularly when starting new sexual relationships (Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS), 2024a).

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