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Medicines management activity of advanced practice dietitians and therapeutic radiographers

02 December 2024
Volume 6 · Issue 12



Recent changes have allowed advanced level UK dietitians and therapeutic radiographers to prescribe medicines. To date, there has been no comprehensive review of this evidence.


To undertake a rapid review of the role advanced practice dietitians and therapeutic radiographers have in relation to medicines management.


Searches of MEDLINE, CINAHL and economic databases were conducted for literature published from 1968–November 2023. Registered with Figshare, a narrative synthesis following PRISMA guidelines was undertaken.


Twenty articles revealed a dearth of literature evaluating advanced practice or prescribing in either profession. A lack of clarity regarding advanced practice roles led to ambiguity and hindered implementation.


There is a lack of evidence evaluating dietitian and therapeutic radiographer advance practice or prescribing. Urgent evaluation of dietitian and therapeutic radiography advanced practice, including prescribing, is required if their contribution to alleviating workforce shortages is to be better understood.

Global predictions indicate that around 400 million people will be aged over 80 by 2050 (Holloway and Henry, 2014; Global Burden of Disease Collaborators, 2016), many of whom will require multiple medications (Eurostat, 2014; Holloway and Henry, 2014).

With a chronic shortage of healthcare workers worldwide (18 million) and a predicted workforce shortfall of 350 000 in the UK by 2030 (Beech et al, 2019), new approaches that overcome inadequacies in traditional doctor-led care systems are imperative in order to maintain patient access to medicines (Stenner et al, 2018). Extending the range of professionals who can prescribe medicines to include nurses, pharmacists and allied health professionals (AHPs) is one strategy that has been adopted (Department of Health (DH), 2000; 2004; 2008).

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