A–Z of prescribing for children
This series focuses on aspects of prescribing for neonates, children and young people, from A–Z. Aspects of pharmacokinetics will be considered, alongside legal considerations, consent and medications in schools
Since the discovery of the smallpox vaccine in the late 18th century, it is still estimated that 20% of deaths in children under 5 years of age are due to diseases that can be prevented by current licensed vaccines (Lahariya, 2016). There remain many vaccine misconceptions, usually triggered by misinformation or viewpoints from those active in ‘anti-vaccine’ movements (Holford et al, 2024). Parents who are hesitant to vaccinate their child may choose alternative schedules, or refuse vaccines, and may depend on homeopathic or naturopathic practice (Anderson, 2015), so it is important that healthcare professionals are well informed regarding immunisations (Davies et al, 2021).
The measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, given when a child is 1 year of age, and again at 3 years, 4 months of age (British Society for Immunology (BSI), 2023) has been the focus of safety concerns in recent years due to disproven theories associating the vaccine with autism. This has resulted in a decrease in the uptake of vaccines (see Figure 1), and an increase in the incidence of measles throughout Europe, although calls for vaccines to be mandatory may, conversely, harm public health policies (Kennedy, 2020).
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