Tinzaparin treatment dose in adults: answers

02 March 2024
Volume 6 · Issue 3


Mr A. Weight: 75 kg

  • Dose calculation: 75 kg patient requires tinzaparin 13 125 units = 0.66 ml
  • Syringe volume: rounded to the nearest 0.05 ml = 0.65 ml (from a yellow 0.7 mL syringe containing 20 000 units / mL)
  • Dose: 0.65 mL (13 000 units) once daily by subcutaneous injection.


Mrs B. Weight: 59 kg

  • Dose calculation: 59 kg patient requires tinzaparin 10 325 units = 0.52 ml
  • Syringe volume: rounded to the nearest 0.05 ml = 0.5 ml (from a red 0.5 mL syringe containing 20 000 units / mL)
  • Dose: 0.5 mL (10 000 units) once daily by subcutaneous injection.


Mr C. Weight: 93 kg

  • Dose calculation: 93 kg patient requires tinzaparin 16 275 units = 0.81 ml
  • Syringe volume: Rounded to the nearest 0.05 ml = 0.8 ml (from a green 0.8 mL syringe containing 20 000 units / mL)
  • Dose: 0.8 mL (16 000 units) once daily by subcutaneous injection.


Mrs D. Weight: 121 kg

  • Dose calculation: 121 kg patient requires tinzaparin 21 175 units = 1.06 ml
  • Syringe volume: Rounded to the nearest 0.05 ml = 1.05 ml (from a multidose vial containing 20 000 units / mL)
  • Dose: 1.05 mL (21 000 units) once daily by subcutaneous injection.