This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Sonya MacVicar

School of Health and Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University Edinburgh

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Inotrope therapy for neonatal hypotension

Dopamine is a cardiac stimulant and is a naturally occurring precursor to norepinephrine and epinephrine. Dopamine has alpha-adrenergic effects and stimulates beta1 receptors in cardiac muscle to...

Inotrope therapy for neonatal hypotension: answers

A neonate, weighing 700 g is prescribed a dopamine infusion. What is the initial dose? What is the maximum dose and infusion rate?

World Health Organization fungal priority pathogens list

The polyenes are the oldest family of antifungal drugs and were introduced in the late 1950s..

World Health Organization fungal priority pathogens list: answers

Adult, weighing 65 kg with aspergillosis is prescribed IV amphotericin B by intravenous infusion. The BNF recommends 3 mg/kg once daily with a maximum dose of 5 mg/kg per day. What minimum and maximum...

Management of stress urinary incontinence associated with perimenopause

Nisha, a 55-year-old female housekeeper, was referred for physiotherapy pelvic health review with a 2-year history of daily episodes of urinary incontinence when coughing, sneezing and when at work,...

Antimicrobial treatment of neonatal meningitis

Baby A, weight 3500 g and 4 days of age, is clinically unwell with suspected neonatal meningitis. .

Antimicrobial treatment of neonatal meningitis: answers

Baby A, weight 3500 g and 4 days of age, is clinically unwell with suspected neonatal meningitis .

Naloxone hydrochloride for acute opioid events

A 3-day-old preterm neonate is given morphine as post-operative pain relief. They become bradycardic and apnoeic. They weigh 700 g. What dose of naloxone would you prescribe? .

Naloxone hydrochloride for acute opioid events: answers

A 3-day-old preterm neonate is given morphine as post operative pain relief. They become bradycardic and apnoeic. They weigh 700 g. What dose of naloxone would you prescribe? .

Neonatal resuscitation

Baby Yousaf is born at 32 weeks gestation, birth weight of 1200 g and noted acute blood loss at birth. After 1 minute of resuscitation the heart rate is 45 bpm with no spontaneous respiration....

Neonatal resuscitation: answers

What dosage of adrenaline/epinephrine should be administered? .

Consultation in out-of-hours practice: a clinical review of Lyme disease

Consultation models were originally developed as a means to explore and understand the psychological aspects of doctor–patient consultations, in addition to providing a structure to the process...

Non-medical prescribing considerations in emergency mental health services

Jane, a 30-year-old female, had a long-standing history of low mood, anxiety, periods of poor sleep and one episode of hypomania. She had previously been prescribed several different selective...

Prescribing within clinical toxicology

Regional NHS poisoning treatment centres were first established in the 1960s following the Atkins and Hill reports, which highlighted significant concerns regarding poisoning management nationally...

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