Day 1: After recognition that early antipsychotic drugs acting on dopamine pathways had an impact on vomiting, the search was on for an anti-emetic without extra pyramidal side-effects (EPS)....
A researcher from the University of Glasgow has received funding to develop new wearable technology capable of measuring the progress of neuromuscular diseases. Professor Hadi Heidari has been awarded...
Duncan et al (2016) published a study in the BMJ Open, which evaluated trends in the prescribing of quetiapine to adults in the Canadian province of Alberta between 2008 and 2013.
This article, published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, sought to review the evidence surrounding nurse and pharmacist review of patients undergoing systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT).
Based on the information above, what is the minimum expected amount of sorbitol (in g) for an adult that could produce a laxative effect?
While promoting antibiotic stewardship, alternative antibiotic-free approaches to bacterial infections are being explored, including the use of probiotics, says George Winter
It has been more widely accepted in recent years that the inclusion of patients in the therapeutic prescribing process is more beneficial to the patient, and concordance considers the wishes and...
NICE (2019a) recommends a clinic BP target of below 140/90 mmHg or a home BP target of 135/85 mmHg. In people over the age of 80 years, a higher cut-off point of 150/90 mmHg in clinic, or 145/85 mmHg...
Effective treatment of eczema demands good self-management which, if established early on, can lead to considerable improvements in quality of life (Ridd et al, 2017). Self-management can be...
Based on the information above, what is the minimum expected amount of sorbitol (in g) for an adult that could produce a laxative effect?
It's the start of yet another academic year and there is no shortage of students of all kinds: the eager-faced pre-registration nurses for all fields of practice, undergraduate allied health...
The UK Health Security Agency has launched a new dashboard for infectious diseases, which will serve as a centralised source for infectious disease and outbreak data this winter, making it publicly...
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